100 100 Magical Items with Sentimental OriginsBy DndspeakSeptember 21, 2018 One hundred magic items that have a meaningful background.
100 100 MasksBy DndspeakAugust 3, 2018 One hundred rare and mysterious masks with extraordinary powers.
100 100 Items in a Hag’s LairBy DndspeakJuly 19, 2018 One hundred strange objects you would find in a Hag’s lair.
100 100 Druidic TreasuresBy DndspeakJune 27, 2018 One hundred different treasures that would be considered sacred to any druid.
100 100 Options for the Coat of Many SidesBy DndspeakMay 9, 2018 The Coat of Many Sides is a coat that shifts between many different forms when the command word is spoken.…
100 100 Artifacts of Great PowerBy DndspeakMarch 13, 2018 One hundred artifacts of amazing power for villains to possess and PCs to destroy. Artifacts are capable of devastation on…